Monday, August 25, 2014 – Coupon website which saves money to consumers as well as merchant

It is a site which was developed by the Buxoff team with a vision by understanding the pain of the merchants who are paying a bomb to other online coupon websites. From which a merchant is not able to get any profit. As the merchant gives discount to the consumers who are purchasing from them and pay a affiliate commission to the coupon website who had directed the consumer from their website from the coupon website. As most of the coupons website are charging  commission of 10% to 14%. In which the merchant’s are losing the profit by giving discount to the consumer and by paying the affiliate commission to the coupon website. is a site which doesn’t charge any affiliate commission to the merchant and we send the consumers to the merchant website by offering the most exclusive deals which are offered by the merchant.

You can find coupons for more than 100 Categories consisting 50000+ stores available in the website. You will be able to get the most exclusive coupon code from every store which is available online. By using you will be able to save some money to your pockets. It is a site which was developed for saving money to consumers and retailers/online store.
As we are launching the alpha version of the website on wednesday we are happy to say that every consumer and merchant will be able to save some money by using our website. Instead of paying any affiliate commission to us.