Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - Latest Technology and Internet Forum

In this article we will discuss about the latest technology and internet forum -
Techpluck - Techpluck is the largest tech community in the world. It offers the largest tech discussion forums of everything happening on the internet. In other words it is the frontpage of tech online.
Techpluck's media,blog and e-commerce engagement websites hope to connect millions of influential technology professionals and enthusiasts each day. Combining user-developed content, online marketplaces and e-commerce offers, is the global technology community's for information exchange, goods for geeks, and open source software  distribution and services.
You can start discussions on various topics in techpluck, has categories like electonics , internet , programming , windows , mac , tablets , technology , games , design , social , cloud computing, hardware , software , operating systems , data , mobile , security, google , facebook, twitter , android, linux , networking , laptops , wireless , online marketing  , domain names , yahoo , linked in .
Here are some best discussions on techpluck ,

1. How to find people having access to my files in Google Drive ?


Answer - Google Drive can transfer files with specific contacts or you can make them public , and anyone can then view their files . Release also prevents clogging of another person's mailbox . For example , if you send a large attachment , it would be a better option to upload the file to Google Drive and share the link instead. 

Google Drive - file sharing permissions 

Who can view or edit the shared files ? 
If the sharing feature of Google Docs (now Google Drive) , that for a while, you may have a lot of files on disk that are available to other users. Want to leave a comment here? 

This is a simple script to Google Google Drive exploration and prepare a list of all files that have been shared by Google Drive. 

To get started, click here to copy the script Google Google Drive. Then select Run - > Start to run the script from Google . The script asks for your permission because you have to check the permissions on the file share in Google Drive. Say "approve " , and soon to be an e - mail with a list of shared files that have been found in Google Drive. 

The report, see the picture above , links to shared files and display a list of users or edit that particular file can be. When you can not access a file of each, the user is called public . 




2.Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks to improve Speed and work faster ?


Answer - First Highlight the text quickly 
You can triple - anywhere " select paragraph in Word , or press and hold the CTRL key and click anywhere in the sentence, to . " In a paragraph to select the whole entire sentence . 

You can also rectangular blocks of text in a Word document , similar to the selection tool in Photoshop and the formatting of the selected area . Hold down the ALT key and drag the mouse to create a rectangular area key . 

Select a rectangular block 

Second The extent Clipboard 
Word has a useful function " spike " that you use to ( move ) Text and images from different locations in a document and paste at a given time in a different place can be cut. 

To use Spike , select a portion of text, images or other objects in the document , and then press CTRL + F3 to move the selection of the spike . You can select and add multiple entries for the same transition with the key combination CTRL + F3 . Now press Ctrl + Shift + F3 to insert the contents of the tip somewhere in the document. 
Check for complete answer.


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